Monika Necka bio

Monika Nęcka

She is a lecturer of methods in teaching art, masterpiece as a part of therapy and of visual constructing of interpersonal communication. In 2007 finished PhD in pedagogy. She is interested in art history and the problem of space for art communication.

As a member of InSEA also involved in the programme of the Biennale of Children’s Art and Vincent’s Pocket (International Creative Angst Workshops)  – projects that take place in Poznan, Poland. During those meetings she prepares workshops with teachers, students and children to develop skills in understanding cultural phenomena and the possibility of creative self-expression.

Her last investigations are connected with understanding art by pupils in International Schools. She is checking if a transfer of their origin culture is visible in their present self expression.

In the field of artistic activity she is designing and making glass objects using techniques of fusing and bending by heating.

She designed and provided workshop meetings connected with problem of light perception at LUMSA – Libera Universita SS Maria Assunta in Rome in 2008, in Politechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo in Portugal 2009, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2010, 2011; Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Slovakia 2010.